New Go-to-Market Model

Title: New go to market model

Speakers: Paul Murasko, Leslie Koby, Rehana Wolfe, Abhishek Agrawal

Description: New go to market model: Deliver a holistic customer experience in this hybrid era for both new and mature brands
Conference: Pharma USA
Original Air Date: 11/09/2022
[00:00:00.090] – Sidi Lemine

Really incredibly exciting one, at least for me, I hope it is for you. We have new go to market model delivering a holistic customer experience in this hybrid era for both new and mature brands. It will be moderated by Paul Murako, head of Digital Innovation and Marketing operations for Azurti Pharmaceutical who will introduce his panel. Paul, if you want to come to the stage and talk to us about hybrid holistic, it comes to our experience.


[00:00:37.800] – Paul Murasko



[00:00:39.050] – Abhishek Agrawal

Thank you, Paul Murasko


[00:00:39.940] – Sidi Lemine



[00:00:42.830] – Paul Murasko

We’ll ask the rest of the group to come up.


[00:00:45.460] – Abhishek Agrawal

Is everyone okay?


[00:00:46.860] – Paul Murasko

Thanks for sticking with us for the last session of the two great days. Hopefully everyone got something from this. And before we start, a lot of the conversations, particularly today was around data. So we will touch on data in the conversation but we’re really talking about go to market. Little introduction about myself and then I’ll turn it over. I’ve been in the healthcare space my whole career. When I say whole career, jane J. Hi me when I was 18 as an engineer. So I mean really my whole career and throughout it I’ve continued to go smaller and smaller with a Zuridi being the smallest company of about 300 people I ever worked with. But the reason I’ve done that is as we evolve and we want to change the way we do business, the go to market model has to be nimble and it has to be desiloed. And I found in my career it’s just tougher and tougher the larger the organization is. So that’s why I have had a personal choice of continuing to go from large to mid sized to small. Before we get into the discussion, and it will be a discussion, I have a couple of questions to ask my esteemed colleagues up here but we’re going to be going back and forth, not so much a script.


[00:02:04.090] – Paul Murasko

I will ask you to use the app and ask questions because really we. Want you to get out of the session as much as you can because you stuck in here at the end of two long days. So I’ll hand it over and if.


[00:02:20.450] – Rehana Wolfe

You like to rob thank you, Paul. Hello everyone. Thanks for joining us at the end of the day. Certainly. My name is Rohanna Wolf. I work at CGI Business Consulting. And end to end, it technology. And CGI really is a company that its focus is really to bring cost effectiveness and efficiencies in organization. And what do we do? We help from the business strategy into your digital transformation. And certainly over the past two days there were some very overlapping topics about agile change management, omnichannel data and analytics using all emerging technologies such as AI, natural Process Languaging automation. And one of the things that I didn’t hear was robotic process automation. For those types of Swivel type jobs where we’re constantly entering data and having a human resource person doing that. So all of those things are in the umbrella of CGI and we just absolutely love, even if it’s just sitting in a room with our clients to help them to understand where in their strategy should they be thinking about their digital transformation. And I will say, when you start anything digital, it’s not a one and done, it’s a journey that you start and you have to have that roadmap.


[00:03:42.860] – Rehana Wolfe

Because as we will talk about go to market models today, it is an evolution. And as I sit in CGI, I come with 20 years of form experience and I’m now able to see across all our different clients, but same struggle, the same focus, and perhaps different approaches. So I’m very excited that you’re all here and we’re going to have this topic today. So I’ll pass it over to my colleague.


[00:04:06.770] – Abhishek Agrawal

My name is Abhishek Agrawal I work for Merck Damshot, Germany. It’s known as EMD Serono and we are a diversified group and I’ve rotated within Merck in different industries. Most of my experience has been in Pharma, but currently I work for our electronics business and we are somewhere part of all of your phones. But yeah, I’m really privileged to be here and share my insights with you.


[00:04:35.270] – Leslie Koby

Great. Hi, my name is Leslie Koby. I have the privilege of leading our inflammation and immunology business at Pfizer. I’ve been at Pfizer for twelve years and I know kind of over the past two days we’ve had a mix of people from small companies, large companies, and one of the things I’m excited to share as part of go to market is obviously I’ve been at Pfizer for twelve years and obviously the last few years with the Pandemic has really been transformational for Pfizer in terms of the way we thought our business could go versus what we did over the last few years to bring some incredible innovations to market. And so I think that has really changed. I think the DNA in terms of really thinking about what is possible and how we can really embrace a different mindset to really transform the way our industry is heading. So I’m excited to talk about that excellence.


[00:05:31.520] – Paul Murasko

Let’s get going and we’ll start with the overarching question about go to market. And Leslie, we’ll start with you because you actually said something because I’ve been saying COVID has been a great digital accelerator. However, I’m troubled because as soon as now we think we’re out, even though we might go back in or whatever, you keep hearing, everyone says we’re going back and we’ll start off with that as a premise. Because go to market has to evolve and evolution is not always linear. But it troubles me when we start hearing we’re going to go back to 2020. Can you tell us, because every company does it differently, every company looks to differentiate their way. How what you see at Pfizer that you can share? How are you guys at Pfizer? Differentiating your go to market? And how is that helping with that customer engagement?


[00:06:33.330] – Leslie Koby

Well, there’s a lot of questions in there, so I think that one thing that we all learned, so this isn’t specific to Pfizer, is that with the Pandemic, it was a very different model, and you really kind of had to understand what was going on. And that was a big lesson, because I think everything that we knew got turned on its head, and then we actually had to go out and understand what was actually going on. And so while I know that people are saying, we’re going back, I don’t think we as an industry will do that, because I think it’s a service to understanding how our customers want to be interacted with. And I think that was a big lesson learned that we all took from the pandemic, which is I think that it forced all of us to kind of get out of the bubble in terms of where we were. Interacting the way we wanted to interact with customers and to really kind of shift our thinking to say, how do they want to be interacted with? We always knew that was important. We’ve talked about customer obsession, right? Like, what do they need?


[00:07:35.880] – Leslie Koby

But it wasn’t until we were absolutely forced to change our model that we did that. And I do think that if we go back to the way it was, I think you’ve missed a huge opportunity, because that we were able to. And it sounds like the last two days, companies have been able to really evolve how they engage with customers and really focus on what they need. And so if we go back to it, what to me, it says is it’s going back to what we want as companies? And that’s not the right way to go. I think what we’ve all been discussing, and I think what we’re all passionate about is we got to meet the customers where they’re at. And if we go back, I think we’re ignoring that. I know there are some other questions. I don’t know if I answered it.


[00:08:19.940] – Paul Murasko

No, it was just about to go to market. And I’m not so much about going back. It’s about how I hear it, and it’s troubling. Yes, but thank you.


[00:08:30.610] – Abhishek Agrawal

But my view is that you have to look at it in the context of the market, and you always have to ask, is it working? At the end of the day, go to market strategy is for certain goals, and you always have to check, is the channel whether digital or personal? Is it meeting that goal? And that’s where, if the market is evolving, you have to evolve with the market. To answer your question, in short, is digital going away? Absolutely not. But is it going to be 100% of my GTM? Absolutely not. Is personal selling going away? Absolutely not. In my opinion, is it going to be 100%? Absolutely not. So somewhere for your brand. And you have to keep in mind each country is different, each brand is different. In many cases, you can argue that customers are also different. So you have to find the answer in your specific context. And it’s not easy. You have to evolve and you have to constantly get feedback. Is it working? You don’t want to do something just because everybody else is doing. You have to try certain things, see if it works and then build on it.


[00:09:41.800] – Paul Murasko

Yeah, absolutely. Don’t you have anything to add? Or can I go with another question?


[00:09:46.440] – Rehana Wolfe

I’ll just add one thing very quickly, and I think the operative word here is evolution. And when we look at that and I always say to our clients, don’t think of your organization and your business today, think of it as the future. And when we say future, who are the future generations in the walls of our businesses? Who are the future doctors? Who are the future patients? Right? We’ve got the digital natives coming into the workplace. They are the patients, they are the workers, they are the designers of the future. So as we begin to design, whether it’s a hybrid model or whatever it evolves to be, always remember who the future population is and how they’re coming into the world and what really is driving them and how they will behave and interact with data and with people. That’s it for me.


[00:10:36.510] – Paul Murasko

Paul no, very good. And I want to ask on two points what I’ve heard from this, because I think there’s a little bit more to it. One, I totally agree, everything is based on the situation. Anytime a question is asked, depends on the disease state, depends on the life cycle of your product, which I think we touch on. But I think that’s a big heart to this answer, because it’s not black and white. So I want to spend a little time on that. But another thing, and Leslie Ye kind of said it, it’s the customer centricity of this whole thing. If I had a penny for every time I hear Pharma wants to be customer centric, but how many times we are not. So I want to talk about that, the customer centricity, and how your thoughts change just at the higher level based on a launch product versus a mature product or somewhere in between. Would you like to start with that one?


[00:11:43.810] – Rehana Wolfe

Yeah, absolutely. And I think you probably have heard this from other panelists as well, right? But what is your strategy? What exactly is the focus of your strategy? And if your product is new, if it’s a very competitive product versus a best in class, the only one, or it’s end stage or mid cycle, your strategy is going to be different. Therefore your go to market model will be different. Right? If you’ve got a new and innovative product, that’s the one of its kind, and your advisor and your doctors were rallying around that. Think about is it a sales rep you’re putting or is it an MSL that you’re putting for that product and is it a face to face or is it virtual or is it a combination of the two? So I think as marketers and as medical professionals, we have to come together in unison and understand the life cycle of that product, where it is in the competitive setting and therefore what is it that our customer needs from it to design? Your gotomarket model.


[00:12:44.610] – Abhishek Agrawal

Yeah, along the similar lines, if you see for a new product, the needs of the market are very different. The doctors don’t have experience of it, they don’t know the dosing, they don’t know the side effects, they don’t know which profile it works, which profile it doesn’t work. And all of these are questions that they would need our help in answering. And that’s where I can say a more richer channel, like in person discussion is more important, whether it’s through MSL or through our reps or through other channels. And also, let’s face it, the reality is that the budgets of launch products are usually much higher than inline products. So there is a lot more leeway also to experiment and try different things while for an existing or mature product, a lot of those questions are already answered. So it’s a little bit more about just reminder and making sure there are no concerns and making sure any problems are addressed on. So the market needs are also very different, which has to be reflected in the go to market model.


[00:13:44.630] – Leslie Koby

Yeah, I completely agree with what you said and so I won’t repeat, maybe I’ll add one thing because again today a lot has been talked about from a data perspective. And so one of the things that I think is really critical across everything, maybe more so from a launch brand perspective because depending on your customers, if you’re new to the space, you don’t have as much insight. We talk so much about getting the data, but I think the really critical thing that we all need to remember we can’t just get the data in without continuing to get smarter and smarter. There has to be that close feedback loop in terms of what we learn. How do we action against the insights that we get? How do they react then? How do we do it? It can’t just be data, insights, action and it just kind of ends there. We always have to be feeding that loop back. And I think that’s kind of where from a pharma perspective we haven’t done the best job at. We’re really good at the one way we don’t loop back and we don’t get smarter, which I think is what you’re seeing in other industries.


[00:14:52.790] – Leslie Koby

It’s like they are following that customer along the journey and seeing how they evolve to the messaging, to the channels, et cetera. Because that could evolve and change over a brand’s life cycle. So I do think that’s a big opportunity for all of us to make sure we are learning from other industries. And again, if you’re thinking about the customer, if you’re thinking about how am I going to just get my brand message across? And you’re following one loop, you lose the opportunity to say just as we grow and evolve so to our customers and we really have to make sure that our messaging and our approaches and our investments are evolving with them.


[00:15:30.890] – Paul Murasko

Beautiful. And it’s a perfect segue into data, which is actually the whole conference hans seen to be on data. I think it was one of the earlier presenters said, surprisingly for a commercial conference, it’s data. I’ve often said farmers issue, biotech’s issue isn’t data, it’s how to use it. We talk about big data, we talk about buzzwords, but at the end of the day, it’s not even about data and analytics, it’s about insight. And you touched on that a little bit before we get to some questions. And thank you guys, it’s great that they’re up there so we can actually start getting to them. But talk a little bit about that insight part of data, and more importantly, what is your take on how you’re driving some insights and the insights that you’re incorporating into your go to market model, not just from the sales rep activity? Because a lot of times people say it’s about helping the reps get smarter, it’s about helping marketing get smarter, it’s about helping commercial as a whole and take it outside of commercial, the organization gets smarter. So let’s start backwards and then I’ll start reading some questions as we talk.


[00:16:48.240] – Leslie Koby

Great. I completely agree. Everyone has to get smarter. And I think sometimes, again, from a commercial perspective, we really think about obviously marketing and sales as obviously very important levers in terms of where you’re getting the insights and how you’re reacting to them or what you do with them. And I think that in all that we’ve been talking about with Omnichannel, there’s a lot of different ways in which you’re touching the customer and you have to capture the insights from all of those. And then you have to, again, not just have the marketing team get smarter, not just have the sales team get smarter, but then differentially deploy all of your different tactics. So if there are, again, with a launch product where there might be really questions about the safety or the mechanism of action or other things that might be better suited for a medical to medical conversation, how are you deploying your MSLs in a different way? How are you actually deploying content that is delivered from a peer to peer perspective through digital channels, what have you, in ways that are again, meeting those needs? So I think if it’s just about getting the insights back to marketing so I can create the tools, it’s helpful.


[00:18:07.920] – Leslie Koby

But it’s also like, which channels will it go to that will have the greatest impact. And I think oftentimes we think of marketing to sales and I think that we have to really kind of change our mindset in terms of the way the information gets out there and the best way. Sometimes it’s not the sales rep, they might not be the subject matter expert. Sometimes it could be how the account team deals with the system or other things. So I think just being really open to making sure that you are broadening it. And we’ve heard a lot about this broadening kind of the platform of all the different stakeholders and ensuring alignment. And I have a lot of thoughts on that because I think how you, how successful you are at implementing a gotomarket strategy has everything to do with the culture and the expectations that you’re setting across the organization. It cannot just be commercial, it has to be wide ranging.


[00:19:09.990] – Paul Murasko

Absolutely. And we will definitely end the conversation on organizational model and culture. But if we go down the insight.


[00:19:17.500] – Abhishek Agrawal

One of the approaches that has helped me at least is to start the other way around. Start with the questions first before getting to the data. Start with what are you trying to answer from what are your business challenges or business questions? Start with that first, then go to, okay, what data you need or what insights you need. Then automatically you have the action to begin with as opposed to starting with here’s the data that I have, let’s figure out what to do with it. I would suggest also start the other.


[00:19:50.010] – Rehana Wolfe

Way around, if I may, Paul, on that. So, Farm is rich with data. Every one of you sitting here today, your company has a lot of data, right? You have external data, you have internal data, you have clinical data, you have all the data and no one person sees all that data at one point in time. It doesn’t exist that way. Medical sees its data, marketing sees its data. And mind you, marketing is the one that does all the marketing activities and all the research data. And often it doesn’t get shared with the other functions. Now, if you think about market access, health, economics, outcomes, research, they have a lot of data either. And we’re all creating value messages in each one of those functions. But if you were to take a data scientist and put a little bit of each one of those information in front of him or her, what’s the reaction of that data scientist is? He or she will react to a holistic collection of data and what will you get from that data? And therefore, which of your constituents will that serve, for what purpose? So that’s the provocativeness that I would leave this part of this conversation with.


[00:21:10.170] – Paul Murasko

No, absolutely. I think we said earlier pharma couldn’t afford data scientists up to this point. However, with the way the economy and recession is going, there might be a lot of tech folks out looking for a job. So it might be an opportunity to bring them into the fold. But no, that’s a great point and I love the idea of let’s start with the question first because like I said, you’re absolutely right. There’s a lot of data out there. The problem is we can get past the cleaning and the scrubbing. We just don’t know what to do with it to begin with. And also do we need all of it? I always go back to my marketing colleagues and they always want all these pieces of information when we interact with the customer and like they’re going to do anything with it. And the answer is no, don’t ask them for it. But it’s not in the DNA. It’s like no, let’s get it, let’s get it. So, going to some of the questions I want to make sure we answered. There were some questions around insights. Hopefully our discussion answered it. If not, please let us know.


[00:22:18.250] – Paul Murasko

Here’s one how important has Agile digital experimentation proven to deliver a holistic go to market model? I think it was said earlier, I don’t know if we’ll spend a lot of time on it, but I think the whole Agile philosophy is another buzzword in a very siloed organization. Agile is needed. If you’re in a nimble organization like at a Zurich, we don’t use that methodology because guess what? I can easily pull the right people in and make a decision. But I’ll go across the panel and see how does that fit into your model.


[00:22:58.490] – Abhishek Agrawal

So the beauty of digital medium, as you know is reach it’s lower cost, it’s ability to track a lot of parameters. So what that means is you can experiment quite a bit with digital and get feedback also. That what’s working and what’s not working and that’s what one should do. And we have also done that within EMD. You launch several small pilots and you learn from it. Again, there is no blanket right or wrong answer, but the answer is definitely to experiment and have the metrics to track what’s working, what’s not working and then scale up whatever is working.


[00:23:48.970] – Leslie Koby

Yeah, I think at a large company like a Pfizer, you really have to ensure that you are doing what you can. I mean the silos exist but you’re doing what you can to remove them. And so I do think that one of the things that we are very accustomed to, and I think this is across all the industry is we want to get it right. There’s a lot at stake. Patients are waiting for a medication so we want to make sure we get it right. So this idea of experimentation can feel scary. I think you want to wait till everything is perfect before you roll it out and I think that’s just a cultural kind of mindset. That we have to shift, that we can still deliver things. How do you learn quickly? How do you flex? I think that there’s a responsibility and probably a lot ingrained in our industry culturally. And also I think from a risk perspective of just making sure we absolutely get it right. But there are areas that you can experiment and we do have to kind of embrace that. Otherwise it will take way too long for us to enact any sort of meaningful change.


[00:24:56.830] – Paul Murasko

Excellent, excellent. Well, Leslie, there’s actually a question just for you.


[00:25:01.780] – Leslie Koby

Oh, really?


[00:25:03.810] – Paul Murasko

Based on the changing needs of your customers, what do you hope for in the former rep of the future?


[00:25:14.150] – Leslie Koby

Oh, gosh, this is just my personal view.


[00:25:19.670] – Paul Murasko

It’s to you.


[00:25:20.710] – Leslie Koby

Okay, I can’t see the question. I think based off of the evolving needs, I think it’s understanding and really being open. Like, I love the example that someone brought up on the first day, which was kind of explaining how we utilize the insights, the ways example around, really kind of guiding that way. Because I think the pharma ref of the future truly has embraced that. And I think that you keep all the ownership of being someone who is really a valuable resource to our customers, but is really, really open to getting the insights in a different place. I think for a long time, the reps, like, I have to know everything. I have to know everything about this drug inside and out. I need to know the access to reimbursement, like all of that thing, all of the stuff. And I really think the more that there’s still so much value that the representative can deliver if again, they’re bringing in all the different data sets that are at their disposal and relying on that doesn’t make you less valuable. It actually makes you more valuable and more effective. So I think the more that there’s this buy in, that there are tools to help you that don’t diminish your job but enhance it, I think that would be huge.


[00:26:51.970] – Paul Murasko

I’m a sales guy at heart. I mean, I grew up in the traditional model where you didn’t go to market until you carried the bag. So I’m totally convinced the sales rep will not go away. However, it will have to evolve or it will become a dinosaur. And to that point, we need to educate. And I think this goes back to I said we’re going to end with the organizational model. So let me fill this question out. Like, what do we need to think about from an organizational model change? It could be rep, it could be in house, it could be any way with it. But I always believe it’s people process. Platform technology is easy. We can create processes, but it’s the people, the organizational model that needs to change and the culture that needs to change to allow this to happen. So who would like to start with their thought on that.


[00:27:46.470] – Rehana Wolfe

Good. So it’s very interesting from where I sit, because we see the very mature form of companies, we see the startups and we see the middle ones, and they all behave differently, they all think differently, they all have different allocation of resources, right? And so when you look at a startup, it’s so small that one person wears many hats, and they have to be super efficient at what they do versus very large pharma. I used to be in Pfizer, Leslie. There’s big budgets, a lot of resources, and sometimes we get complacent in large pharma and we take things for granted, whereas the small companies, they manage very well. And it goes to what is the organizational model and how big or how small do you want and where do you use technology to help you? And exactly to your point, technology is just the enabling factor, right? But the organization and the people are what there is because it’s always people engagement, and I think that will continue to evolve as well. The whole gotomarket model. And sometimes I wonder in my head, can my doctor wake up in the morning and say, hey, Alexa, what did Pfizer send me today for my oncology product?


[00:29:04.190] – Rehana Wolfe

So we have to do a lot of innovative thinking for organizations to evolve. And certainly I think the siloed ways in which we have been working, we’ve been trying to break those and we have been making progress, but I still think there is a lot more to be made and it comes back again. Right? Culturally, how are we fitting and who are the folks coming into the organization and how are we really embracing all of those thoughts? To really design our organization.


[00:29:38.010] – Abhishek Agrawal

Certain elements definitely have to be there in the new model. Like some departments that have the flexibility that you talked about to innovate and senior leaders have to take some bets on making sure they give enough leeway to this department to try and experiment in a contained way. So I think that is a very important element of the commercial model. Many of the traditional pieces, I think will continue, like sales and marketing and medical and market access will continue. But one piece, I’ll say that you need a department that focuses on experimenting, commercial innovation, and you need a department that looks at some of these new trends, like digital, to see how that can be incorporated in different parts of the organization.


[00:30:31.050] – Leslie Koby

I think that if you believe in the importance of transforming your road to market model, I think you’re going to have to do some things that are disruptive and not necessarily look at things incrementally. I talked about how COVID really did challenge the way we thought about how we brought things to market, right? It was always like, well, it’s years to develop this and this is the way it goes. And really, with the vaccine and evapaclovid, what we learned is. There is a different way. It’s not easy and you have to push, but it’s possible. And so I think that thinking was always, I think, a part of Pfizer’s culture, but it really amplified and it showed everyone, oh my gosh, there’s a different way of doing it. So one example I’ll use in terms of how we’re really focused on being disruptive from a go to market model perspective is we just brought in a new Chief Marketing Officer, really, who doesn’t come from Pharma, actually came from Google leading was a Chief Marketing Officer and their Life Sciences group at Google. So really a tech focus, health care, but tech. And that I think is a unique thing.


[00:31:55.320] – Leslie Koby

You don’t usually bring someone in who doesn’t have years and years of pharma experience. And I think I’ve heard a lot just kind of throughout this meeting of how are we training and kind of building within our marketing organizations and hiring the right talent, I would argue. And again, it’s different, but it’s not just kind of the junior marketers. But how do you kind of, if you really want to disrupt things, bringing in someone that actually really has that technical experience, who understands this and is not just like we’ve talked about, look outside the industry, look at other places, and what can you learn? One even better thing is how do you actually import a senior enough talent that can actually challenge the ways of thinking and truly be disruptive?


[00:32:43.990] – Paul Murasko

That’s a great point. And it’s not even just the commercial talent coming in because I found that it’s always the unknown that scares people. I don’t think MLR is an accurate crutch anymore. We always want to blame them. But I’ve actually found if you take the time, explain the concept and help them understand. Going back I’ll date myself, but going back to when every brand wanted a Facebook page well, first off, every brand didn’t need a Facebook page. But the reason it never happened was because you were talking to people that were approving it, that didn’t even know what Facebook was.


[00:33:24.770] – Rehana Wolfe

Now everybody wants TikTok and once again.


[00:33:28.360] – Paul Murasko

You’Re talking to people who have never been on TikTok. So I mean, it’s that understanding and it has to go across. There’s a question here. We have a few more minutes and I do want to be cognizant of time because we’re the only thing keeping you guys from the road. Any advice? And we touched on this a little bit, but any advice on prioritizing and finding the right mix between personal and non promotional promotion? Well, first I’ll start with this one by saying I’ve been on a crusade to say that NPP, I always hate that term. The whole pharma is the only industry that uses NPP term as non personal promotion. I truly believe it should be new personal promotion because we can do as much with data and insight as someone being in a room with someone. So take away the NPP as new personal promotion, but there isn’t the right mix, whoever asked that question, because it all dependent on, as we said, the product, the life cycle, the disease stay rare, disease is going to require a lot more in person, whereas some of the chronic could be more. But I would actually say, don’t forget, it’s not about what we think the right mix is.


[00:34:42.460] – Paul Murasko

Our customers and our customer could be the economic buyer, it could be the Hcp, it could be the patient or caregiver. They should be telling you your right mix and you don’t have to ask them, just listen to them and the data will tell us what that right mix is. Do you guys have anything to add to that?


[00:35:02.360] – Leslie Koby

We agree.


[00:35:04.930] – Rehana Wolfe

I would say that it really is understanding. What does your physician want for that disease state that you’re working in? And when you have very complex products that has a lot of the reimbursement that comes with it, who will pay for it? What is that patient talking to the physician about once they have been diagnosed? And does your physician have that information and can they very easily communicate that to your patient? So it’s really assessing your brand and the complexity of it and what exactly is that doctor seeing in its population type, its patient type, and what discussions they’re having with them. So it’s really rethinking from how it was done to how can we improve what we have been doing over the years. And again, coming back to, you know, a million physicians in the US. 11% are under the age of 35 and they’re the future physicians, right? How are they behaving and how are they caring for their patients? So it’s really asking a lot of questions when you’re determining your gotomarket model and your messaging to bring value to your physicians.


[00:36:19.370] – Paul Murasko

Let’s end with where we think this is going. The question is touching upon modernization. The commercial go to market needs to be nimble. What would you prioritize and do you have early successes? I’ll add to that less about early successes. Let’s leave everyone with where do you think this is heading and what should they be thinking about to keep this commercial model evolving. We’ll start with yeah, sure.


[00:36:55.730] – Abhishek Agrawal

So, over the last two days, I hope all of you also have been spending a lot of time in the conference next door also, which is focused on patients. And one constant theme that comes out of that session is value. At the end of the day, our drugs have to deliver value to patients. Not just Hcp is a prescriber, but ultimately they have to deliver value. So I think where this is going is that the bar is going to be higher for our drugs and we have to prove value. You see this not just in US, but markets around the world, that you really have a tighter bar a higher bar for reimbursement for approval. So that is going to play a very important role in our gotomodel. So I think other than technology, this higher bar is going to be one of the driving forces behind changes in the commercial go to model.


[00:37:56.170] – Leslie Koby

I definitely agree with that. I think that we kind of touched on cultural changes because this isn’t going away. However, it can be painful and also you can focus on the wrong things and lose time and money by just kind of like, we should do this. And if you haven’t really engaged your organization to truly believe in this, to understand this and to invest in it from the top down and then also bottoms up, because it can’t just be something that’s pushed down. It has to be something that to the rep level, to the marketing manager, et cetera, there has to be an understanding and buy in. And without that, I just think that you’re just pushing a boulder up the hill. It’s the right thing to do, but it can be difficult versus how do you really work to change the mindset and truly get buy in on this, because it will just clear the path of a lot of barriers that could make it really difficult for literally every stakeholder. I’m sure in every organization it is like everything is hard, right? Everything and everyone’s job is hard. And we throw this on the mix without a clear path of how this is going to make our jobs easier, how it’s going to help patients and really deliver, then it’s just going to be, oh my gosh, this is way more work on top of everything I already have.


[00:39:30.540] – Leslie Koby

So I do think that it’s the right thing to do, but also it will just enable this to be much more efficient and fast if you explain the why, people have to know the why and believe the why before anything, otherwise this is going to be a lot of work.


[00:39:51.050] – Rehana Wolfe

Al closes out with one of the things we always help our clients to do, a value in motion. Where are you delivering value and what does it take for you to deliver that value? Is it people? Is it your processes? Is it the capabilities? What is it always look for where you’re delivering the value and is that value 100% or can you give more? And I do think, as we started this conversation, the hybrid model will continue to evolve. Ten years from now, any one of us can predict what it is, but we don’t know what it will be. But then I also ask, will Pharma shape what that future is? Or will Pharma wait for its customers to help it to shape that? And we always say farmer is the laggard, right? It’s not the strong front and center leader in shaking the market and perhaps it’s time for farmers to do that.


[00:40:54.430] – Paul Murasko

All I would leave us with is farmers shouldn’t shape. We should listen and let our customers shape. Because if we are truly in it for the customers that’s why I’ve stayed in healthcare my whole career. We do not know the answers. Trust me. After all the years of doing the various roles I’ve done, we don’t know the answers. We need to listen and have them shut shape. Where we’re heading with that? I think we’re done.


[00:41:18.440] – Leslie Koby

Thank you.


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